I decided to revisit an old friend that I made in high school art class. We had a book project where we were supposed to create something from a book. I was fascinated with hidden compartments in books because of how secretive they felt. I liked building and refilling that empty space with artwork. I would use a box cutter and cut out a small compartment within the book. I would keep the pages I would cut out. Growing up, I would make spirals out of pieces of paper. I would fold the paper and then wrap it around a pencil and push it tight together to create a spiral out of the material. I used to create a lot of these spirals and thought they were really fun to make!

            I would then fill up this book with spirals. My original idea was to have the spirals sprouting out of the book from separate little holes. But I decided to instead make it one big interlocking mass of spirals that spiraled out of the book. I chose this as my design because I liked how therapeutic is felt to create paper spirals out of book pages. And I also liked how chaotic the spirals looked as they “spiraled” out of control. I wanted to return to this old project because my last one went missing and I think I could do a better job now that I know what my vision is. I’m hoping to accomplish expanding my original idea and building it up more. I wanted to see how far I could push these spirals and see where they lead me.

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